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Emerald Ash Borer


The Town has recently been made aware of the POTENTIAL for Emerald Ash Borer affecting some Ash trees in Timnath. These insects can cause severe damage and eventual death to Ash trees. After further inspection by staff and the Town's contracted arborist, it has been determined that, at this time, the Emerald Ash Borer is NOT the insect that is impacting trees in our community.

The insect species responsible for damage to some trees was determined to be the Lilac Ash Borer, a less invasive species that can be controlled and treated if done properly. Please note that this species only infects Ash trees. Read more from the attached pamphlet from the local Colorado State University Extension about the Lilac Ash Borer, options for maintenance for your tree, and how to control the Lilac Ash Borer.

Should you have concerns about your tree and its health or maintenance options, please reach out to a certified arborist or nursery in the area. If you have an Ash tree that is within the tree lawn (the grass strip between the sidewalk and street) that you feel has died due to the Lilac Ash Borer, please reach out to the Town for inspection before cutting the tree down. If you have further questions, you can reach out to the Community Development Department at 970-224-3211 or

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